Henry Altemus Company


Non Series


Poor Boys' Chances by John Habberton 1900


Altemus published this title in a number of different editions. Some are non series whereas others are part of a series. The cover picture (except for colors and gilt) is the same for all the these titles. Curtis Wager-Smith illustrated the frontispiece. There are numerous other attributed and unattributed pictures mostly taken from other works.

John Habberton (1842-1921) was born in New York and after serving in the Civil War he worked for the New York Herald as an editorial writer. His most famous work was Helen’s babies which was first published by Loring in 1876. During the latter part of the nineteenth century it was among the most popular juvenile books in print. Some of his other books include Budge and Toddie, The Chautauquans, Caleb Wright, Everybody’s Chance, and All He Knew.

Non Series Editions:

These books are 7.5 x 5.25. 280 pages.

The first edition, first impression has all glossy pages. The title page does not have the copyright date on it whereas the copyright page does have the 1900 date. The Ellis History books in the back advertisements cost 75 cents. The rectangle surrounding the the information on the title page is red-lined, not black like in the later books.


Note that the copyright date is on the copyright page not on the title page.


Ellis book price is 75 cents.


The second impression also has all glossy pages. It does however note the 1900 copyright date on the title page and the Ellis books are now listed at $1.00 each. There is no copyright page. The rectangle surrounding the the information on the title page is black-lined, not red like in the earlier books.


Series editions:

Young People's Library, Format 2 (late 1900)
Note the characteristic spine of the Format 2, Young People's Library. This book was added to the series (based on the ads) late in 1900. It is 280 pages and is 6.75 x 5.25.


Series #56 Boys and Girls Booklovers Series (1905)
These books have the same cover pictures as the other editions but are smaller in size: 7 x 4.5. They have red lettering on the cover. All 280 pages are on plain paper.


Series #125 Little Men and Women Series (1907-)
This 7.5 x 5. 280 plain paper page book has red lettering on the familiarly illustrated cover. The ads in the back of the book list titles for this series.




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Last Revision November 30, 2014