Henry Altemus Company


Non Series


Robinson Crusoe

Pre-1900 Robinson Crusoe's

There are three different Non-Series Robinson Crusoes that were published prior to 1900. All have Henry Altemus as their imprint.

In 1892 the first two were published.

1. (1892-1896) The first 1892 format is shown below. These large books (9.5 x 7.5) have "extra fine English cloth with Emblematic designs". The books had numerous black and white line drawn pictures (120) by Walter Paget. The earlier books of this format had gold gilt lettering on the cover whereas the later books had silver gilt lettering. Original cost was $3.00.

Format 1

Format 1

Format 1

Format 1

2. In 1892 and 1893 a deluxe presentation edition was published. It was bound in Persian Levant Morocco with full gilt and gold edges. This book has not been seen. It was priced at $5.00.

3. In 1897 a third format of this title was published. Two different editions have been appreciated. The earlier one has the same black and white frontispiece as the Format 1 and Format 2 books. The later editions have a full color frontispiece and three other colored illustrations. Both of the Format 3 books have the 120 Walter Paget illustrations. This format was also bound with fine English cloth and gold gilt designs/lettering. These books were $3.00.

Format 3

Format 3

Format 3

Format 3


Format 3

Earlier Frontispiece

Later Frontispiece


Post-1900 Non-series Robinson Crusoe's

Popular edition:

Early Popular Edition- 1915

Later Popular Edition- late 1920's


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Last Revision December 3, 2013