Henry Altemus was a major publisher of Bibles in the late 19th century. As with most of the major publishers in those years, it published large, beautifully bound Bibles for families. Within the Bibles there were blank pages with headings -Births, Marriages, and Deaths for the owners too fill in. Over the years these Bibles became family histories and heirlooms. Perhaps now they are relegated to another time but at http://henryaltemus.com/bibles/bibles.htm you can read about the Henry Altemus Bibles.
Today I am adding a new Bible to the Altemus database. This is the 61st unique Bible cover. The foredges are gold gilt. The Altemus Bibles have ten distinct parts/items within them.
This Bible has #1, 2, 3, and 5 and does not have the other items. Thus it fits best in the “Cheap Pictorial Edition” Bible Series. (All twelve Bible styles are described on the Bible page in this website)
1. Old and New Testament
2. Dore Illustrations
3. Marriage Certificate and Family Registration
4. Revised Version Appended
5. Apocrypha, Concordance, Psalms on Metre
6. Smith’s Dictionary
7. Bible History and Analysis
8. Cyclopedia of the Bible
9. Dictionary of Names
10. Notes and commentary by Rev. Walter McGilvray