Question & Answer Series 87

Q: An donation came to a local charity and I wish to possibly sell it for them. Another volunteer is also interested in it, but the charity needs a value for this book…..They have no Internet for this, so I’m volunteering my services..

One thing that was very interesting about the book is the great grandmother placed a letter inside it to give to her grandson and mentions that this was passed down through the years and she was giving it to him for Xmas. She mentioned it was a hard to find book and a valuable book. The story behind this was so sweet and it shows how some of today’s youth really don’t read the past history that much and treasure the past. Instead there is video games and other neat things in their life..It is a shame to not keep this old book, and he really didn’t want it, so here it is at the donation site..I think that is one thing about the book more than anything was that letter and it’s history and story behind the book.

Columbus and The Discovery of America..I wish to get a value on this book and where there is a good site to sell it. The only problem I see is the date page is detached, other than that it is in good condition. Any neat info would be appreciated also..I see the cover is different than what your web site pictured…

A: Your book is part of the Favorite Series and was published between 1902-1910 (Format 2).

Even in great condition this book is hard to sell. There just is not much interest in this title.