Series 2- Annapolis Series

Format 1 of the Annapolis Series has the brown uncoated dust jackets. I am adding a new dust jacket picture to the website today-Dave Darrin’s Third Year at Annapolis.

At first glance all the jackets of this format look the same. There are some key differences found on the spine however. The earliest jacket spine does not have the series name written on it. The latest dust jacket has the “Dick Prescott Books” near the bottom of the spine.

Since the interiors of the books with the two later jackets are identical, it is important to examine the dust jacket to determine the priorities of these books. See for more information about this series.

The cover designs were done by the Decorative Designers.

Format 1 Dust Jacket- early

Format 1 Dust Jacket- later

Format 1 Dust Jacket- latest