Series 78 Dore’s Masterpieces Series

Today I am adding a new book cover to this series. All seven of the Dore Masterpieces were published in full Morocco covers. Here is a nice example.

There are four different formats for the books of this series. The emblematic and the half vellum are the most common. Rarely does a day go by without a new one of these being offered for sale. They are generally priced quite high despite the fact that they are very common. There are thirteen for sale on Ebay today with the range being $25 to $625 and the average being about $150. All of the Ebay books have the English cloth emblematic front cover.

On ABE there are forty of these books listed with a price range from $20 to $778 with the average being around the $200 mark. I cannot figure out which formats these books belong to.

Being such that the half vellum and the English cloth are very common, it is hard to imagine that these prices are justified.

On the other hand the Full Morocco books and the Presentation editions are very scarce. Also books in the original boxes are quite uncommon. The dust jacketed half vellum books are scarce but found from time to time.

The key with these books is the full page Dore illustrations. They are quite elegant and I suspect that some people try to sell the prints individually. I am not sure how successful a venture that is.

Below are examples of each format.

Dante's Inferno

English cloth-Emblematic design

Half Vellum

Full Morocco

Presentation Edition