Question & Answer Non Series #124

Q: I have the opportunity to buy a 1892 version of the scarlet letter. I know this was a very common print, I just want to make sure I am not missing out on an opportunity, this is a picture of the cover, I haven’t seen this exact cover elsewhere on the web…. I would be greatly appreciative if you could give me a value as to what its worth.

A: Altemus published the Scarlet Letter in numerous formats. In 1892 it published its non-series Scarlet Letter. The same cover style was printed in several different colors. Early in 1892 the Altemus Scarlet Letters did not include the 1850 “Preface to the Second Edition” which appeared in all the latter Altemus Scarlet Letter printings.

Because this book is relatively common and a reprint, it has little value.

Other covers are shown here.