20th Century Photographic Albums

The latest group of photographic albums were published in the late teens and twenties. These albums were quite a departure from the much more elegant earlier ones. Now the albums’ cloth covers had either sewed backs or the so-called extension backs tied together with a shoelace like cord. The pages (leaves) are light cardboard on which pictures can be taped- not like the previous albums in which photos were inserted into the thick pages.

There are different styles based on the size of the cover and the number of leaves.
The numbering below is from the Altemus catalogue. It is presumed but not known whether the missing numbers below (100, 400, 500) represented other albums at one time.

Style number Leaves
200 5.5 x 7″ inches 25 Sewed- Back
300 50 Sewed- Back
600 50 Loose-Leaf Extension back
700 7 x 10 inches 50 Sewed- Back
800 50 Loose-Leaf Extension back
900 9 x 14 inches 50 Sewed-Back
1000 10 x 13 inches 50 Loose-Leaf Extension Back


