Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Young People’s Library

Young People’s Library editions of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland are frequently for sale. They are infrequently described correctly. Here is a Young People’s Library, Format 3 title and how to identify it and date it.

The Format 3 books were published between 1902 and 1923. They have a characteristic spine. It is obvious that these books were published in 1900 or later because Henry Altemus incorporated in 1900 to become Henry Altemus Company. Thus the Henry Altemus Company imprint on the title page indicates a 1900 or later book regardless of a copyright date of 1897 which is also on the title page.

To date the book exactly the ads in the back are key. There is a flow chart for dating on the webpage ( In this book “Vic” is listed in the Young People’s Library book list indicating a 1902-1906 publication date. Further narrowing it down to 1904-1906 because the Banbury Cross Series is listed in the ads.

1. Is Vic listed in the ads for the Young People’s Library. If yes, the book is 1902-1906. If not, 1907-1910.
2. If Vic is listed, do the ads have Wee Book, Banbury Cross Series- If yes: 1904-1906. If no: 1902-1904.

Format 3 Spines