Question & Answer Series 58 Boys and Girls Classics

Q: I have a Henry Altemus Rip Van Winkle book and have done some research on your website. It appears to be a Series 58 or 59. It says “Henry Altemus Company” on the Title Page. However, I see that you suggested to another person to look in the back of the book and date some of those books to see what year the book is. I’m not sure how to go about doing this as there are so many books listed. I’d like to see what my book may be worth. Any help you could afford me is greatly appreciated!!

A: Hello,
Regardless of the date it has little value. This book is in rather poor shape.

Regarding dating your book:
It was published between 1900 and 1906. To be more exact–
Start here:
Look at the ads in the back. Then look at this page: Boys and Girls Classics
See where it says Formats 1 and 3. Follow the directions.