Question & Answer Series 127 Love and Friendship Series

Q: I recently purchased a book called “Spiritual Law” by Emerson. It was published/copyrighted in 1896 by the Henry Altemus Company. After consulting your absolutely amazing website, I realized that there was a difference between the format/look of my book and your information on your website. It mentions that it was part of the Belles-Lettres series and the same format as the Eternal Life Series. Looking at the format description of the Belles-Lettres Series and seeing a photo of the Eternal Life Series format in your Q&A pages, it is clear that my version is somewhat different. Mine is cloth with brown paper and has a book title pasted on the front. Would you have more information on the copy and how much it is worth?

A: Your book is actually part of the Love and Friendship Series.

If you look at the pictures on the page above, you will see that your book matches the Format 5 volumes. Unfortunately, it only has nominal value.

This series was published between 1901 and 1912. The other formats are shown below.

Format 1- one of 16 flowers appeared on the left half of the cover. Format 1 Dust Jacket
Format 2. One of 16 flowers appeared on the right half of the dust jacket. The decoration on the left has been seen in red. This dust jacket was used for Formats 2, 3 and 4.
Format 3- Four different scenes have
been noted on the right half of the cover.
Format 4
Dust Jacket for Format 5