Question & Answer Series 179 Vademecum Series

Q: Hello I have a small green hardback of Sesame and Lilies by John Ruskin. The only identifying items are: 
—no title page but Henry Altemus, Philadelphia
—my aunt’s name with “Christmas 1897” inscription 

Can you determine if this is of any value?

A: This book was published in 1896 as part of the Vademecum Series.
It is a reprint with nominal value.
See: Henry Altemus Company – Vademecum Series (early numbering) 179

Worldly Wisdom Series #195

Today I am adding a new dust jacket picture for this series. (Format 5)
Interestingly, it does not match the cover. Instead the cover has the title and an aphorism.

Question & Answer Series 131 Mother Goose Series

Q: I have this book that was awarded to my husband’s grandfather in 1904 (Bird Stories for Little People). The cover is worn, but the pages are in very good condition. Thought you might want to investigate this book for your website, as I could not find it.

A: Your book is part of the Mother Goose Series. It originally came with a dust jacket. The inscription date is the publication year in this instance.

It is a reprint.

See: Henry Altemus Company – Mother Goose Series 131

Question & Answer Series 180 Vademecum Series

Q: I was given a book from my late grandfather (House of the Seven Gables) and have had no luck on locating what year it was published or what series it was published in. I can’t find any other book with the same design. It does not have a page that says the publishing information and/or isbn number. The title page says Philadelphia Henry Artemus Company, which is the only lead I have on placing this book. It does have pages of illustrations in it.

A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series. See:Henry Altemus Company – Vademecum Series (later numbering) Series 180

It was published in 1903 and is a reprint.

Question & Answer Series 58 Boys and Girls Classics (old)

Q: I found this book (Treasure Island) at a yard sale. It has no date. I think it might be a Vandecum series. From Henry Altemus Company. In advertisement Folly in Fairyland is a new publication so I think it is around 1910. How much could I sell this for?

A: Your book is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series. You can determine the date by looking at the ads and reviewing the information on the series page. See: Henry Altemus Company – Boys and Girls Classics (old) Series 58

It is a reprint and in only fair condition. Nominal value would be my guess.