Monthly Archives: August 2009

Series 125- Little Men and Women Series

During the 10 plus year publishing run of the Little Men and Women Series ( a number of book covers and dust jackets were changed. Usually this alteration was just a color change. Here is an example. Book #3- Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass’ earlier dust jacket showed some green in the gowns of the King and Queen. Later the gown’s were yellow instead of green. Here are the examples.

Non Series #25

Before this title was part of the Jester Life Series (, it was a non series book published in several different formats. (

In 1902 it was printed in hard cover and an ooze calf soft cover. Today I am adding a new picture representing a variant of the hardcover. Previously I had only seen this cover in light blue. The book shown here is in green. Finding variant color covers is a common occurrence with Altemus non-series books.

Stock Certificate

This stock certificate from the Packer Coal Company was printed by Altemus & Company. The signer, Israel Morris, bought 38 shares in 1885. Of note is that the Packer Coal Company which was located in South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania was founded by Asa Packer, the founder of Lehigh University. (My daughter’s school). Of further interest is that the signer Israel Morris was a well known and well connected Philadelphia businessman.

As noted before, Altemus & Company did various types of printing in the 1800’s. Stock certificates are only one example. This is the second different company’s certificate printed by Altemus that I have located. I suspect that there are more. ( The Altemus & Co. imprint is on the lower left of the certificate.)

Stock Certificates

While Henry Altemus (Company) were publishing books, Altemus & Co. were printing various other types of documents.
Here is a prime example. This certificate is for shares in the Peoples National Bank of Norristown. It is relatively common as I have seen several of them over the years. If you look closely, you can see the Altemus & Co., Inc imprint on the bottom left. The ones I have seen range in date from 1897 to 1915.

Non Series #115

Another Non Series #115 Preparation for Motherhood by Elizabeth Scovil has been found.
This one is a bit newer than the one I had already- but it is still pre-1900. The differences between the books are that the newer one has a flatter spine while the older one has a rounded spine contour. Also the older one has an exaggerated weave of cloth on the cover compared to the newer one.

Here they are:

