The books of this 26 volume series are among the most commonly found Altemus books. The first sixteen books were always published as Dainty Series books. The last ten books were initially part of the Rose Carnation Series until they were added to the Dainty Series in 1909. There are five formats and they are shown below.
For more information about this series see
Format 1 includes only the Silver Buckle. It is the only book that was published before 1900 and has the Henry Altemus not the Henry Altemus Company imprint.
The Format 1 and Format 2 books have the same left sided cover design with any one of a number of decorative patterns on the right. (1899-1902)
Format 3 books have the same decorative left cover pattern with various illuminated cover illustrations on the right half of the cover (1903-1905).
In Format 4 the left half of the cover has a new design. (1906-1908)
Format 5 has a new left sided cover pattern with the same illuminated pictures on the right half of the cover. These books are smaller than the earlier formats.
Here are the dust jacket formats:
Formats 1-4 and early Format 5
Format 5 Dust Jacket