Question & Answer Series 180

Q: I have a book of The Scarlet Letter. Written by: Nathaniel Hawthorne and published by Henry Altemus Company. On the first page it has the preface. Below the word preface it says “To the second edition”. After the preface introduction there is a date (SALEM, March 30, 1850). Attached is a picture of the front of the book. I am just curious if this book is worth anything. I know it was bought on October 9, 1903. The person who bought it wrote the date on the back page and why she bought it. The measurements of the book are: 6 1/2 inches x 1 inch x 4 1/2 inches if that helps any. I have looked for many hours online trying to find a book with the same cover. Please help me.

A: Information on your book can be found here: and at

It was published in 1903. Altemus published this title in numerous formats. When it did, it reprinted the entire book including the early dated preface.

Thus, every edition of this book that Altemus reprinted has the “second edition” preface from the original 1850’s book.

It has only nominal value.