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17 Aug 2012 |
172 |
Story Book Series
Q: I don’t have a picture..trying to find a copy of a book that was my father’s. Circa 1920 It was a volume of the Peter Rabbit Stories, author Linda Stevens Almond. The cover was Navy Blue and had an illustration of Peter Rabbit on it. The book was about 8 x 10..maybe a little smaller, and about 2 inches, give or take thick. My mother had a yard sale back around 1977 and the book disappeared. I really would love to find a copy as I spent many childhood hours reading it. It contained many of the stories I see in singular..but I have yet to see the volume with many stories. Any help would be much appreciated.
A: I believe the book that best fits your description is the one shown. It is part of the two book Story Book Series. ../series/series172.htm
It is a compilation of the first 14 books of the Wee Folks Peter Rabbit Series. It was first published in 1924. With the dust jacket it is quite scarce.
24 Oct 2019 |
175 |
Three Volume Sets
Q: Hello. I read through your site and I just couldn't seem to figure out when this book was published. The Princess and Maud These are the only real pages with information. Just curious, if you have any ideas!
A: Your book is part of the "Three Volume Sets" Series and was published in 1897. See:Henry Altemus Company - Three Volume Sets Series 175
As per the title of the series, it was one of three books by Tennyson that were sold as a boxed set.
It has nominal value.
Here is a picture a boxed set.
10 Sep 2017 |
175 |
Three Volume Sets Series
Q: Hi. I saw your blog and thought you might be able to help. I have a book by Ralph Waldo Emerson. It is “Essays, First Series.” It was published by Henry Altemus, and the stated date is 1894. I can’t find this particular printing anywhere. Can you tell me anything about it? Thanks so much!
A: Your book is from the "Three Volume Sets" Series. It was published in 1894.
It originally came in a labeled box with two other titles. See here.
For more info about this series see:
In this shape it has no monetary value.
21 Apr 2013 |
175 |
Three Volume Sets
Q: Hello, I figured I would write to your company to get the particulars of when you believe this book (In Memoriam) was printed and its approximate worth. I have tried researching it but am at a loss. Any help you could provide would be appreciated. Here are the pictures I can provide.
A: Your book was published as part of the Three Volume Set Series and was printed in 1897.
In this series there were a total of six three volume sets published between 1894 and 1897 of which your book is part of Set #5. All of the sets originally came within a labeled box. It only has nominal value.
08 Aug 2018 |
176 |
Trevose Series
Q: Here are two pictures of my book maybe you can tell me about it and let me know if it's worth anything. The Greatest Thing in the World
A: Your book is from the seven book Trevose Series ( and was published between 1915 and 1933.
It originally came within a labeled box.
It is a reprint and only has nominal value.
22 Apr 2017 |
176 |
Trevose Series
Q: I was wondering if you could tell me the age of my little copy of The King of the Golden River. It is a very plain cover, which looks like none of the others on your site save A Shropshire Lad.
Thank you for any information you can give me.
A: Your book is part of the seven volume Trevose Series. These reprints were published between 1915 and 1933 and originally came boxed.
A representative series picture is shown here:
There is no point that distinguishes an early printing from a later printing.
02 Jan 2012 |
177 |
Uncle Jim's Bible Stories Series
A: This book comes from a four book series, Uncle Jim's Bible Stories Series written by Hartwell James. It was first published in 1916. All the books of this series were first published with dust jackets.
I have seen this title with an applique (paste-on) on the front cover. This picture is included for comparison purposes.
See ../series/series177.htm for more information.
Without the dust jacket this title has only nominal value.
14 Sep 2023 |
179 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I have perfect green book The Lady of the Lake by Scott..1896 Henry Altemus manufacture Philadelphia. I am confused looking on internet. Can you help identify or any value?
A: Your book was published as part of the Vademecum Series in 1895-1896.
Vademecum Series (early numbering) 179
It is a reprint with nominal monetary value.
21 Aug 2023 |
179 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I would like to know more about this book. I also noticed the author's last name is misspelled Stephenson. Does that make this book more valuable if valuable or rare at all? Please enlighten me. Thank you. Also I have not been able to find the exact one anywhere.
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1897. It is a reprint. In good shape it has nominal value. In poor shape it probably has no monetary value.
The Stephenson spelling does not change the value.
18 May 2023 |
179 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I have a copy of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin with introduction and notes. Philadelphia Henry Altemus 1895. That I can not find anywhere else to obtain more information.
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1895.
It is a reprint with nominal value.
For more information see: Henry Altemus Company - Vademecum Series (early numbering) 179