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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
17 Aug 2012 172

Story Book Series

Q:  I don’t have a picture..trying to find a copy of a book that was my father’s. Circa 1920 It was a volume of the Peter Rabbit Stories, author Linda Stevens Almond. The cover was Navy Blue and had an illustration of Peter Rabbit on it. The book was about 8 x 10..maybe a little smaller, and about 2 inches, give or take thick. My mother had a yard sale back around 1977 and the book disappeared. I really would love to find a copy as I spent many childhood hours reading it. It contained many of the stories I see in singular..but I have yet to see the volume with many stories. Any help would be much appreciated.

A:  I believe the book that best fits your description is the one shown. It is part of the two book Story Book Series. ../series/series172.htm

It is a compilation of the first 14 books of the Wee Folks Peter Rabbit Series. It was first published in 1924. With the dust jacket it is quite scarce.

24 Oct 2019 175

Three Volume Sets

Q:  Hello. I read through your site and I just couldn't seem to figure out when this book was published. The Princess and Maud
These are the only real pages with information. Just curious, if you have any ideas!

A:  Your book is part of the "Three Volume Sets" Series and was published in 1897. See:Henry Altemus Company - Three Volume Sets Series 175

As per the title of the series, it was one of three books by Tennyson that were sold as a boxed set.

It has nominal value.

Here is a picture a boxed set.

10 Sep 2017 175

Three Volume Sets Series

Q:  Hi. I saw your blog and thought you might be able to help. I have a book by Ralph Waldo Emerson. It is “Essays, First Series.” It was published by Henry Altemus, and the stated date is 1894. I can’t find this particular printing anywhere. Can you tell me anything about it? Thanks so much!

A:  Your book is from the "Three Volume Sets" Series. It was published in 1894.

It originally came in a labeled box with two other titles. See here.

For more info about this series see: http://henryaltemus.com/series/series175.htm

In this shape it has no monetary value.

21 Apr 2013 175

Three Volume Sets

Q:  Hello, I figured I would write to your company to get the particulars of when you believe this book (In Memoriam) was printed and its approximate worth. I have tried researching it but am at a loss. Any help you could provide would be appreciated. Here are the pictures I can provide.

A:  Your book was published as part of the Three Volume Set Series and was printed in 1897.

In this series there were a total of six three volume sets published between 1894 and 1897 of which your book is part of Set #5. All of the sets originally came within a labeled box. It only has nominal value.

08 Aug 2018 176

Trevose Series

Q:  Here are two pictures of my book maybe you can tell me about it and let me know if it's worth anything. The Greatest Thing in the World

A:  Your book is from the seven book Trevose Series (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series176.htm) and was published between 1915 and 1933.
It originally came within a labeled box.

It is a reprint and only has nominal value.

22 Apr 2017 176

Trevose Series

Q:  I was wondering if you could tell me the age of my little copy of The King of the Golden River. It is a very plain cover, which looks like none of the others on your site save A Shropshire Lad.

Thank you for any information you can give me.

A:  Your book is part of the seven volume Trevose Series. These reprints were published between 1915 and 1933 and originally came boxed.

A representative series picture is shown here: http://henryaltemus.com/series/series176.htm

There is no point that distinguishes an early printing from a later printing.

02 Jan 2012 177

Uncle Jim's Bible Stories Series


A:  This book comes from a four book series, Uncle Jim's Bible Stories Series written by Hartwell James. It was first published in 1916. All the books of this series were first published with dust jackets.

I have seen this title with an applique (paste-on) on the front cover. This picture is included for comparison purposes.

See ../series/series177.htm for more information.

Without the dust jacket this title has only nominal value.

14 Sep 2023 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  I have perfect green book The Lady of the Lake by Scott..1896 Henry Altemus manufacture Philadelphia. I am confused looking on internet. Can you help identify or any value?

A:  Your book was published as part of the Vademecum Series in 1895-1896.

Vademecum Series (early numbering) 179

It is a reprint with nominal monetary value.

21 Aug 2023 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  I would like to know more about this book. I also noticed the author's last name is misspelled Stephenson. Does that make this book more valuable if valuable or rare at all? Please enlighten me. Thank you. Also I have not been able to find the exact one anywhere.

A:  Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1897. It is a reprint. In good shape it has nominal value. In poor shape it probably has no monetary value.

The Stephenson spelling does not change the value.

See: http://www.henryaltemus.com/series/series179.htm

18 May 2023 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  I have a copy of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin with introduction and notes. Philadelphia Henry Altemus 1895. That I can not find anywhere else to obtain more information.

A:  Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1895.
It is a reprint with nominal value.
For more information see: Henry Altemus Company - Vademecum Series (early numbering) 179

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