Q: A friend has lent his copy of The Pilgrim’s Progress to me. It is an older book. It measures 6.5 x 4.25 inches. The cover is worn but still solid in the give in the binding. I thought I should try to find an approximate value in case my friend should put it away. I can’t find anything about this particular book. Inside is a date of when it was given as a gift though we have no idea if it was new at the time. I have greatly reduced the picture quality of the photos for easier mailing. The cover is green and textured.
A: Your book is part of the Devotional Series. It is part of Format 5 in this series and originally came in a labeled box. This format was published for a number of years. I suspect that the inscription date is close to the publication date.
Because this is a reprint of a very common title, it has very limited value.