Pamphlet Advertising for
Juvenile Series (1910-1911)
This 32 page advertising
pamphlet advertises four different boys juvenile series: Motor Boat
Club, Submarine Boys, Pony Rider Boys and High School Boys. There is an
excerpt from each series and then a full page ad listing the books from
the series. It is 6.5 x 4.5.
The pamphlet lists books published as late as 1910 but not any 1912
This is the second Altemus advertising pamphlet that I have seen. Both
only highlighted juvenile series.
Front Cover
Altemus message to
"Young Booklovers"
Pamphlet Advertising for
Juvenile Series (1913)
This 32 page advertising
pamphlet for Altemus' juvenile
series books is exceptionally uncommon. I have seen two such pamphlets
(including this one) over the years. This piece is 6.375 x 4.5.
Based on the ads in the back of the pamphlet I
believe that this advertising piece is from 1913. (Five Automobile
Girls-but not six-indicating a 1913 ad). Also no books published after
1913 are listed in the ads.
Five boys' juvenile series are highlighted with
full page ads that show the book's cover. Four of the five have an
excerpt from the book in the pamphlet.
Interestingly this pamphlet has a store name, P. B.
Magrane Store, stamped on it. Most likely Altemus made these
advertising pamphlets available to stores which thereafter could
individualize them. Really, an excellent way for Altemus to market its
What is fascinating is that the store advertised the books for sale at
25 cents even though the price on the books was actually 50 cents.
Perhaps the store got a bulk deal on the books or maybe was willing to
take less profit per book to get the customer into their store.
The P. B. Magrane Store in Lynn, Massachusetts , like most large
department stores before the era of free standing book stores (now
coming to an end) had a book department.
Patrick Byrne Magrane (1852-1933) had immigrated from Ireland. He
founded his namesake store in 1876 in Lynn, Mass. The store was still
in business in the 1950's.
Altemus Ads
This ad includes: Series 93-
Gertrude Smith's Bible Stories, Series 124- Little Bunnie Bunniekin
Series, Series 128- Magic Drawing Book Series, Series 138- Painting
Book Series, Series 144- Piffle Dot Drawing Books-First Series, Series
145- Piffle's Dot Drawing Books-Second Series, Series 186- Wee Books
for Wee Folks (third format), Series 187- Wee Folks Bible Stories
Series, Series 189- Wee Folks Peter Rabbit Series, Series 190- Wish
Fairy Series, Series 199- Young Folks Puzzle Picture Series
This accordion style advertising pamphlet has 8 sides (4 pages). The
individual sheets are 5 x 3.5 with the total length being 14 inches.
There are 11 series advertised within the flyer. Based on the books
listed it appears that this is a 1922 piece. Jack the Giant Killer in
the Wee Folks Cinderella Series was published in 1922. The next book in
that series Jack and the Beanstalk was also published in 1922 but is
not listed.
This pamphlet was apparently given to local book dealers who could
imprint their name on it. See the ad.
This flyer is exceptionally rare as compared to the juvenile series
book flyers seen in this section.
Series Ad #1-1910 (Series #1-34)
In the teens Altemus' hugely
popular boys' and girls' series books became the mainstay of its
publishing business. Various advertisements were used by Altemus to
increase the interest in these books. Accordion pamphlets advertising
the many juvenile series were placed inside many books of this era.
Currently I have seen a number of different advertisements that fit
this description. They will be shown and described in chronological
order (earliest to latest).
The first ad pamphlet appeared in 1910. Several 1910 books are seen
here: Circus Boys, High School Girls, Automobile Girls, but no 1911
books are noted. These pamphlets varied in size. This one only has 4
panels per side. Some have as many as 6 panels per side. The entire
piece is 13 x 6.25.
Series Advertisement #2 - 1911 (Series #1-34)
This pamphlet has 6 panels per
side and is 19.5 x 6. A number of 1911 are listed but no 1912 books.
Thus the 1911 date. Also as can be noted, the 1910 flyer lists the
series books at $1.00 each while by 1911 the price had come down to 50
Series Advertisement #3 - 1911 (Series #1-34)
This pamphlet has 6 panels per
side and is 19.5 x 6. A number of 1911 are listed but no 1912 books.
Thus the 1911 date. Also as can be noted, the 1910 flyer lists the
series books at $1.00 each while by 1911 the price had come down to 50
cents. This flyer differs from Series Advertisement #2 only at the
bottom of the flyer where this one only says Cloth Illustrated as
opposed to #2 which states- Handsomely illustrated and splendid....
Series Ad #4 - 1912 (Series #1-34)
This accordion advertising flyer has eight panels per side
making it the largest of its type that I have seen. It is from 1912. It
noted a number of 1912 books but no 1913 publications.
The first two titles in the Range and Grange as well as the Boys of
Steel series are listed. They are all 1912 volumes. The third and
fourth books in these series are not mentioned. The first two books in
the Young Engineers Series are advertised but the 1913 third title in
the series is not.
Side 1
Series Ad #5 - 1914 (Series #1-34)
This flyer has 4 panels and is
13 x 6.25. The side that has the book cover pictures is identical to
the 1920 Series Book flyer. Based on the advertisements this pamphlet
was published in 1914-1915. The latest books listed are the 1914
College Girls Series and no other later books in that or any other
series are seen.
Series Ad #6 - 1915 (Series #1-34)
This flyer has 4 panels and is
13 x 6.25. The side that has the book cover pictures is identical to
the 1920 Series Book flyer. Based on the advertisements this pamphlet
was published in 1915. The latest books listed are the 1915 College
Girls Series and no other later books in that or any other series are
Series Ad #7 - 1916 (Series #1-34)
This is another example of a 4
panel pamphlet that is 13 x 6.25.
This flyer differs from the 1914 and 1920 cover pictures aside in that
underneath the boy exclaiming "An Altemus book...Oh Joy" is an
advertisement for the Conquest of the United Series Series (a 1916
series). On the book title list side this pamphlet lists #6 in the
College Girl's Series which was publshed in 1916. No later books are
Series Ad #8 - 1920 (Series #1-34)
This flyer advertises various
Boys' and Girls' Series books. Interestingly the latest book is the
shown is the Pony Riders Boys with the Texas Rangers which is a 1920
book. Other series do not show books that were published in the late
teens. For instance, the College Girls Series (#9) lists 4 books the
latest of which was published in 1914 but does not list the 1915 book.
Usually Altemus advertising would show all the series up to a certain
date and there would not be this disparity in the books listed and not
listed. Nonetheless this flyer must date from 1920 based on the book
The flyer has 4 panels per side and is 13 x 6.25.
Arkansaw Bear Series
(Series 43)
This two page flyer advertises The Arkansaw Bear by Albert
Bigelow Paine. It is 6.25" x 3.5". It advertises book #1 in the series.
The pamphlet has a number of illustrations by Frank Ver Beck. These
pictures are all in the book.
This advertising piece was probably published 1902-1910 time frame.
Belles Lettres Series
(Series 50)
Here is a nice little
advertising piece (5.875 x 3. 375) for the Belles
Lettres Series.
It lists 26 volumes in the series at 30 cents each. Since the first 28
volumes were published in 1896, this dates the flyer to 1896.
and Girls Booklovers Series (Series 56)
A new advertising flyer has
been discovered for series #56. It was found in a Young People's
Library-Format 3 book which was published in 1905.
This two page pamphlet notes that books #17-21 were in preparation
meaning that the earlier numbered books were published in a separate
print run- probably early 1905- whereas the last few books were
probably published together in late 1905.
Boys and Girls Classics
(new) (Series 57)
Here is a new advertising flyer
for this series of fifteen books. The one sheet advertisement which is
9 x 3.25 shows an example of a book cover and lists all of the books.
This series had a number of cover pictures all of which were made from
different linen swatches. See
The books initially came in labeled boxes but later some were issued
with dust jackets. Frequently there is confusion between these books
and those from the Young People's Library. This is because the
interiors of the books of the same title are identical including the
title page which states "Young People's Library".
The date of publication can be confusing also since Altemus often put
the copyright date on the title page. This series' books can be dated
by studying the ads in the back of the book. The series was published
between 1908 and 1926.
Shown below with the flyer are cover, box and dust jacket examples.
The Boy’s and Girl’s Series
of New Copyrights (Series 60) 1901
1901 Advertising Flyer
Tommy Foster's Adventures was first published by Altemus in 1901 as
part of the Boys'
and Girls' Series of New Copyrights. Folly in Fairyland was
also first published by Altemus in 1901. This latter book was the first
title in the two book Folly Series. Since both books first came out in
1901, a reasonable assumption is that the flyer is from that same year.
It is 7.125 x 3.25 which is the typical size of the Altemus one sheet
advertising flyers.
It is likely that most all Altemus titles/series had similar
advertisements. Unfortunately they are quite hard to find.
The Boy’s and Girl’s Series
of New Copyrights (Series 60) 1902
1902 Advertising Flyer found
Within a Diplome L’Honneur Series book a one sheet advertising flyer
has been discovered. This series was only published in 1902 and both
books advertised on the flyer are also 1902 books.
As pictured below, on one side of the flyer is a picture of the
frontispiece from the book Gypsy the Talking Dog by Tudor Jenks. The
Jenks’ book was originally part of the two volume Jenks’ Talking Animal
Series (Series #111). Later, beginning in 1908, it was part of the
Little Men and Women Series (Series #125)
The other side of the flyer advertises Wings and Fetters by Florence
Morse Kingsley. This book was part of The Boy’s
and Girl’s Series of
New Copyrights (Series # 60) published in 1901-1902. Of
interest is
that the picture seen on the flyer does not appear in the book. This
book has an illustration page which lists the four glossy pictures
found within. None match the flyer’s picture. A puzzle to be sure.
The flyer is 7.25” x 3.25”.

1902 Ad #1

1902 Ad #2
of the Bible Series (Series 63)
A wonderful 2 page pamphlet
advertising the 10 books of the Children
of the Bible Series has been
discovered within a Series #137 book (One Syllable Series).
This advertisement, as shown below, lists the titles and includes some
pictures that are found in several of the books. It is unclear as to
the exact date of this piece. The half vellum books were published for
a number of years beginning in 1905. The catalogue lists 25 cents as
the book price until the teens although the books themselves list 25
cents as well as 50 cents during this era.
I would guess 1905-1912 date.
Advertisements like this probably exist for most Altemus series of the
early 1900s and teens. They are exceedingly scarce.
Masterpieces (Series 78)
Most of the 7 books which
comprise the
Dore Masterpieces Series have been found with advertising
flyers within them. This was not uncommon for Altemus books in this
era. I have seen Dore flyers in several different styles.
1. Single page
one sided flyers. There exist single advertising sheets for The Rime of
the Ancient Mariner and Idylls of the King. These are 10.5 x 6.
2. Single sheet - two
sided ads. This ad includes the 6 Dore Masterpieces and has Bunyan's
Pilgrims Progress. This ad does not list the presentation editions and
thus was from 1892 or later. They are 6.25 x 5.
3. Two 4 sided pamphlets
have been seen. They list the same books-The Dore Bible Gallery,
Paradise Lost, Dante's Inferno and Dante's Purgatory and Paradise. They
both note the presentation editions. There are two differences: at the
top of each page one says- NEW EDITION whereas the other
states-ALTEMUS' EDITION. The other difference is that the extra fine
English Cloth books are priced at $4.00 in the former ads and $6.00 in
the latter ads. Although one would assume that the higher price would
signify a later date, there are no advertisements that ever showed the
English Cloth book listed at $6.00. Thus, the ads can be assumed to be
early in the publication history of these books but they cannot be
dated precisely. Examples of pages are shown below.
4. One advertising flyer
has been seen that has 8 panels. It includes all 7 of the Dore
Masterpiece Books as well as Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress.
Interestingly, the heading at the top of each page says either "new
edition" or "Altemus edition". Books #1-4 are listed as Altemus
Editions and they have the $6.00 price. Thus this flyer is of the same
vintage as the ad #3 above that said Altemus Edition. The ads for The
Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Idylls of the King are identical to the
single sheet ads.
Masterpieces (Series 78)
This sheet was found in the
book of the same name. This ad is identical to the Altemus catalogue
listing except for the last paragraph which is not found in the
catalogues. This broadside was used by Altemus from 1889 until the mid
1890s. Similar sheets have been seen for other Altemus Dore illustrated
Folly Series (Series 89) 1901
1901 Advertising Flyer
Tommy Foster's Adventures was first published by Altemus in 1901 as
part of the Boys' and Girls' Series of New Copyrights. Folly in
Fairyland was
also first published by Altemus in 1901. This latter book was the first
title in the two book
Folly Series. Since both books first came out in
1901, a reasonable assumption is that the flyer is from that same year.
It is 7.125 x 3.25 which is the typical size of the Altemus one sheet
advertising flyers.
It is likely that most all Altemus titles/series had similar
advertisements. Unfortunately they are quite hard to find.
Folly Series (Series 89)
Altemus Advertising Flyer - An
advertising sheet announcing the new Caroline Wells' Folly Book, Folly
in the Forest has been found. The 7.125 x 3.25 inch flyer announces the
Folly book on one side and Frederick Ober's For Prey and Spoils on the
The Folly book was originally part of the two book Folly
Series, series #89. Later it was included in the Little Men
and Women Series, series
#125 which was introduced in 1908.
The Ober book was at first part of Series #60, Boys and Girls Series of
New Copyrights. Later it was also included in the Little Men and Women
Both books are included in the bibliography's main section of pictures.
Both the books here were also published in 1902.
It is presumed that since the sheet announces the new publication of
Folly in the Forest, that the advertisement dates from the 1901-1902
era. It is also presumed that there are many more of these flyers from
this vintage not yet discovered.

Flyer 1902 Side 1

Flyer 1902 Side 2
Good Times Series (Series
Another advertising flyer has
been discovered. It is for Series #100- Good
Times Series.
This flyer is 8 x 5.5 which is slightly larger than the page size of
the actual Good Time Books. It was discovered within a book from the
Jenk's Talking Animal Series
(Series 111)
1902 Advertising Flyer found
Within a Diplome L’Honneur Series book a one sheet advertising flyer
has been discovered. This series was only published in 1902 and both
books advertised on the flyer are also 1902 books.
As pictured below, on one side of the flyer is a picture of the
frontispiece from the book Gypsy the Talking Dog by Tudor Jenks. The
Jenks’ book was originally part of the two volume
Jenks’ Talking Animal Series (Series #111). Later, beginning
in 1908, it was part of the
Little Men and Women Series (Series #125)
The other side of the flyer advertises Wings and Fetters by Florence
Morse Kingsley. This book was part of The Boy’s and Girl’s Series of
New Copyrights (Series # 60) published in 1901-1902. Of interest is
that the picture seen on the flyer does not appear in the book. This
book has an illustration page which lists the four glossy pictures
found within. None match the flyer’s picture. A puzzle to be sure.
The flyer is 7.25” x 3.25”.

1902 Ad #1

1902 Ad #2
Magic Wand Series (Series
An advertising flyer for the Magic
Wand Series (#129) has been discovered.
This 6 volume collection of books is very special. Tudor Jenks wrote
the books and John R. Neill, the Oz illustrator, illustrated them. The
Neill pictures have made these books very collectable and much more
valuable than many other Altemus published fairy tale books. Of course,
this is also true for the Neill illustrated books of the 6 volume Fairy
Tale Series (#84) which was published in 1906.
The Magic Wand books are 6” x 4.5” and were published in only one
format although some of the books have been seen with different cloth
pictorial covers. Brown colored endpapers were noted (see below). The
volumes were all priced at 50 cents.
From the Altemus catalogue: "These stories are bright, humorous, and
especially clever in text and illustration. They are fresh examples of
the author’s delicate flights of fancy."

Magic Wand Binding

Magic Wand Frontis

Magic Wand Endpages

Magic Wand Flyer

Magic Wand Flyer

Format 1
Printemps Series (Series 152)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and
Altemus - Altemus published the works of numerous authors whose works
they were not authorized to publish. For the most part these were books
not covered by the copyright act. The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix
Potter was probably the most well known of the Altemus unauthorized
books. In fairness however, perhaps the most well known and popular
books “pirated” were the 4 books of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. These were
published as part of the Printemps
The Printemps Series was a 25
book series published in its entirety in 1895 and only 1895. The cloth
multicolored cover was the same for all this series’ books. It is
presumed it was jacketed with a jacket that matched the cover but this
has not been verified.
Confirming the scarcity of
these books is the fact that the classic bibliography of Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle by Green and Gibson only mentions two of the four Doyle
books published in the series (The Sign of the Four and Beyond the
City). Omitted are A Case of Identity and Other Stories (shown here)
and A Study in Scarlet.
These books are without
illustrations and are 6.5” x 4.5”.
A Printemps Series
advertisement as well as the cover of a Doyle book are seen below


Printemps Book
Rose Carnation Series
(Series 159)
New Advertising Flyer discovered
This 6 x 3.25 inch one page advertising flyer for the Rose
Series was discovered in the Little Lady Val book (#4). This
dates from 1906-1908. It is my belief that Altemus produced flyers for
all of their series of this era. They are just very difficult to find.
Plays (Series 164)
In the early 1900’s department
stores were a popular place to buy books. Most large stores had
impressive book departments. I remember even as late as the 1950’s in
my hometown of Milwaukee Gimbels, The Boston Store and Schusters had
these departments.
Here is a fascinating ephemera piece.
The Shakespeare
Series (#164) was a 39 volume set published from 1899
until Altemus went out of business in 1933. The books were sold
separately as well as by the set. Boxed sets were sold
beginning in 1909. As of the date of this flyer in 1907 the hard cover
books sold for 35 cents while the soft leather ones sold for 50 cents.
One of the things that I have noticed over the years is how common
these books are. I am asked questions about this series almost as often
as I am about any Altemus books. The only reasonable explanation is
that they were a giant selling success for Altemus. Perhaps this flyer
helps us understand a bit.
Here is a department store from Rochester ('s)
that is offering quite a deal. Sibley’s offers 27 volumes of this
series at 15 cents each i.e. 56% off the retail price. This is on some
payment plan that is not elucidated by the flyer but when the payments
are done, the remaining 12 books are given to the buyer for no
additional cost. This is a great deal. Effectively that is selling the
whole set for $4.05 -a bit more than a dime per book.
The reverse side of the flyer allows the purchaser to select which 27
titles he wants.
This flyer which is 7.75 x 3.75 was found in a copy of one of the
Shakespeare’s books. This is the only flyer I have seen that mentions
Altemus books which was not an Altemus publication.
Non Series #11
the World in Eighty
Minutes advertisement
In 1894 Altemus published "Around the World in Eighty Minutes". Written
by Wm. S. Walsh, it consisted of text opposite photographs of monuments
or edifices. Pictures were from all over the world, thus the title.
The book came in two different formats. The illuminated paper covers
book was priced at fifty cents while the Fine English cloth and silver
book was one dollar. Of interest is the fact that two different
hardcover books have been seen with fine English cloth while no example
of the illuminated paper covered books has been discovered.
The two English cloth books differ from each other not only in the
cover design but in the quality of their printing also. The book noted
as “a” has thicker better quality paper as compared to the book
designated as “b”. Thus the former book is significantly thicker and
heavier. The book pictured in the ad is type "b". Two cover colors have
been seen.
This wonderful glossy advertising sheet which is 5.5 x 2.25 was found
in an Altemus Library, Format 2 book.
Non Series #28 Bunyan's
Pilgrim's Progress
This ad was found in the book
of the same name. Although Altemus published this book over several
years in the early 1890s, this ad is for the 1891 book.
During these two years Altemus offered two formats priced at $3.00 and
$6.00. This can be seen at the bottom of the sheet. By 1892, the $6.00
book was no longer advertised. Instead a $5.00 Presentation book bound
in Persian Levant Morocco was offered.
Non Series #84- Klondike
and the Yukon Country
Here is an interesting flyer
that advertises Klondike written by L.A. Coolidge. It is 5.75 x 3.5.
This piece was put out by the Thomson Stationery Company located in
Vancouver. Two Klondike books are noted. The Coolidge authored book was
published in 1897 by Altemus.
The first edition was published in 1897 in both wraps and hardcover.
Later in 1897 Altemus did a second printing which included several new
The first edition had 213 pages plus ads. The later edition had 251
Series #88- A Little Garden Calendar
This two page flyer was found
in a Young People's Library-Format 3 book published in 1911-1912. The
Little Garden Calendar was first published by Altemus in
1905. There is
nothing on the flyer that can help to date it. The price of the book is
noted to be $1.00. This was the price that Altemus listed in every ad
for the book from 1905 on.
Series #109 Paul
and Virginia
This flyer was found in non
series book #28 Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. This book was published
from 1890 to the late 1890's. The flyer is the same size (10.5 x 6) and
of a similar style as the flyers previously described for the Dore's
This one page advertisement advertises two different Paul and Virginia
books that were published between 1891 and 1897. In 1898 the cheaper
Paul and Virginia book was published at $1.50 and the $3.00 was
As has been noted before, it is my belief that all the early non-series
Altemus books were advertised using these flyers. Finding them is
another matter.
Series #124 The
Scarlet Letter
This one page, one sided flyer advertises
two different The Scarlet Letter formats which were published in 1892.
Thus, I believe this flyer was printed in 1892 also.
The book pictured on the flyer has an identical format to an 1891
Addresses by Drummond book. It is unclear whether these books belong in
a series.
This little flyer is 6" x 3.5".
Series #136
This one page flyer was found
in a Young People's Library book published in 1906. It is 6 x 3.25. As
noted before, I believe that virtually every Altemus book or series had
an associated advertising flyer, pamphlet etc. Finding them is another
Here is one for The
Unknown format- Natural Law in the Spiritual
Here is a one sided advertising piece for Natural Law in the
Spiritual World. This little flyer is 6" x 3.5".
There is no evidence that this title was published as a non series
Based on the address and general look of the flyer, it was published in
the 1890-1894 era.
In this time frame Natural Law in the Spiritual World appeared in three
Altemus Library
Fairmount Series
Laurel Series
The books in these series did not cost 50 cents and were not "maroon
and white" as per the flyer.
Thus, a mystery.