Book publishers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries used a number of means to promote their latest works. Trade magazines such as Publishers' Weekly were packed with the latest publishers' offerings. Some companies sent out fliers to bookstores and potential customers. Altemus mainly used inserts placed into books. Sometimes these consisted of a mini-catalogue of books. Other times the ads were a single sheet advertising several books. Although I have accumulated a number of these over the years, I am convinced that what you see here is just the tip of the ad iceberg.
During the 90 plus year history of the Altemus publishing firm it published more than books, photographic albums, Bibles etc. Altemus not only bound books for others in the early years but produced numerous items under the Altemus & Co. imprint for others needing paper items. In this section some of these items will be shown.
Click thumbnail images to enlarge.
Advertisements |
Date |
Series |
Information |
18 Apr 2007 |
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This check was printed by Altemus & Co. as noted by the imprint on the bottom left. Most of the printing work done by Altemus was for Philadelphia companies.
14 Apr 2007 |
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Multi-series Altemus Ads
This ad includes: Series 93- Gertrude Smith's Bible Stories, Series 124- Little Bunnie Bunniekin Series, Series 128- Magic Drawing Book Series, Series 138- Painting Book Series, Series 144- Piffle Dot Drawing Books-First Series, Series 145- Piffle's Dot Drawing Books-Second Series, Series 186- Wee Books for Wee Folks (third format), Series 187- Wee Folks Bible Stories Series, Series 189- Wee Folks Peter Rabbit Series, Series 190- Wish Fairy Series, Series 199- Young Folks Puzzle Picture Series
This accordion style advertising pamphlet has 8 sides (4 pages). The individual sheets are 5 x 3.5 with the total length being 14 inches. There are 11 series advertised within the flyer. Based on the books listed it appears that this is a 1922 piece. Jack the Giant Killer in the Wee Folks Cinderella Series was published in 1922. The next book in that series Jack and the Beanstalk was also published in 1922 but is not listed.
This pamphlet was apparently given to local book dealers who could imprint their name on it. See the ad.
This flyer is exceptionally rare as compared to the juvenile series book flyers seen in this section.
11 Apr 2007 |
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Dore Masterpieces
Most of the 7 books which comprise the Dore Masterpieces Series have been found with advertising flyers within them. This was not uncommon for Altemus books in this era. I have seen Dore flyers in several different styles.
1. Single page one sided flyers. There exist single advertising sheets for The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Idylls of the King. These are 10.5 x 6.
2. Single sheet - two sided ads. This ad includes the 6 Dore Masterpieces and has Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress. This ad does not list the presentation editions and thus was from 1892 or later. They are 6.25 x 5.
3. Two 4 sided pamphlets have been seen. They list the same books-The Dore Bible Gallery, Paradise Lost, Dante's Inferno and Dante's Purgatory and Paradise. They both note the presentation editions. There are two differences: at the top of each page one says- NEW EDITION whereas the other states-ALTEMUS' EDITION. The other difference is that the extra fine English Cloth books are priced at $4.00 in the former ads and $6.00 in the latter ads. Although one would assume that the higher price would signify a later date, there are no advertisements that ever showed the English Cloth book listed at $6.00. Thus, the ads can be assumed to be early in the publication history of these books but they cannot be dated precisely. Examples of pages are shown below.
4. One advertising flyer has been seen that has 8 panels. It includes all 7 of the Dore Masterpiece Books as well as Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Interestingly, the heading at the top of each page says either "new edition" or "Altemus edition". Books #1-4 are listed as Altemus Editions and they have the $6.00 price. Thus this flyer is of the same vintage as the ad #3 above that said Altemus Edition. The ads for The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Idylls of the King are identical to the single sheet ads.
20 Nov 2006 |
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Juvenile Series Ad #1-1910 Series #1-34
In the teens Altemus' hugely popular boys' and girls' series books became the mainstay of its publishing business. Various advertisements were used by Altemus to increase the interest in these books. Accordion pamphlets advertising the many juvenile series were placed inside many books of this era. Currently I have seen a number of different advertisements that fit this description. They will be shown and described in chronological order (earliest to latest).
The first ad pamphlet appeared in 1910. Several 1910 books are seen here: Circus Boys, High School Girls, Automobile Girls, but no 1911 books are noted. These pamphlets varied in size. This one only has 4 panels per side. Some have as many as 6 panels per side. The entire piece is 13 x 6.25.
06 Nov 2006 |
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Non Series #28 Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress
This ad was found in the book of the same name. Although Altemus published this book over several years in the early 1890s, this ad is for the 1891 book. During these two years Altemus offered two formats priced at $3.00 and $6.00. This can be seen at the bottom of the sheet. By 1892, the $6.00 book was no longer advertised. Instead a $5.00 Presentation book bound in Persian Levant Morocco was offered.
30 Oct 2006 |
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Dore Masterpieces
This sheet was found in the book of the same name. This ad is identical to the Altemus catalogue listing except for the last paragraph which is not found in the catalogues. This broadside was used by Altemus from 1889 until the mid 1890s. Similar sheets have been seen for other Altemus Dore illustrated books.
11 Oct 2006 |
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Non Series
Non Series #11- Around the World in Eighty Minutes
Around the World in Eighty Minutes advertisement
In 1894 Altemus published "Around the World in Eighty Minutes". Written by Wm. S. Walsh, it consisted of text opposite photographs of monuments or edifices. Pictures were from all over the world, thus the title.
The book came in two different formats. The illuminated paper covers book was priced at fifty cents while the Fine English cloth and silver book was one dollar. Of interest is the fact that two different hardcover books have been seen with fine English cloth while no example of the illuminated paper covered books has been discovered.
The two English cloth books differ from each other not only in the cover design but in the quality of their printing also. The book noted as “a” has thicker better quality paper as compared to the book designated as “b”. Thus the former book is significantly thicker and heavier. The book pictured in the ad is type "b". Two cover colors have been seen.
This wonderful glossy advertising sheet which is 5.5 x 2.25 was found in an Altemus Library, Format 2 book.
10 Nov 2005 |
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Folly Series
Altemus Advertising Flyer - An advertising sheet announcing the new Caroline Wells' Folly Book, Folly in the Forest has been found. The 7.125 x 3.25 inch flyer announces the Folly book on one side and Frederick Ober's For Prey and Spoils on the verso.
The Folly book was originally part of the two book Folly Series, series #89. Later it was included in the Little Men and Women Series, series #125 which was introduced in 1908.
The Ober book was at first part of Series #60, Boys and Girls Series of New Copyrights. Later it was also included in the Little Men and Women Series.
Both books are included in the bibliography's main section of pictures.
Both the books here were also published in 1902.
It is presumed that since the sheet announces the new publication of Folly in the Forest, that the advertisement dates from the 1901-1902 era. It is also presumed that there are many more of these flyers from this vintage not yet discovered.

Flyer 1902 Side 1 | 
Flyer 1902 Side 2 |
31 Oct 2005 |
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The Boy’s and Girl’s Series of New Copyrights
1902 Advertising Flyer found Within a Diplome L’Honneur Series book a one sheet advertising flyer has been discovered. This series was only published in 1902 and both books advertised on the flyer are also 1902 books.
As pictured below, on one side of the flyer is a picture of the frontispiece from the book Gypsy the Talking Dog by Tudor Jenks. The Jenks’ book was originally part of the two volume Jenks’ Talking Animal Series (Series #111). Later, beginning in 1908, it was part of the Little Men and Women Series (Series #125)
The other side of the flyer advertises Wings and Fetters by Florence Morse Kingsley. This book was part of The Boy’s and Girl’s Series of New Copyrights (Series # 60) published in 1901-1902. Of interest is that the picture seen on the flyer does not appear in the book. This book has an illustration page which lists the four glossy pictures found within. None match the flyer’s picture. A puzzle to be sure.
The flyer is 7.25” x 3.25”.

1902 Ad #1 | 
1902 Ad #2 |
31 Oct 2005 |
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Jenk's Talking Animal Series
1902 Advertising Flyer found Within a Diplome L’Honneur Series book a one sheet advertising flyer has been discovered. This series was only published in 1902 and both books advertised on the flyer are also 1902 books.
As pictured below, on one side of the flyer is a picture of the frontispiece from the book Gypsy the Talking Dog by Tudor Jenks. The Jenks’ book was originally part of the two volume Jenks’ Talking Animal Series (Series #111). Later, beginning in 1908, it was part of the Little Men and Women Series (Series #125)
The other side of the flyer advertises Wings and Fetters by Florence Morse Kingsley. This book was part of The Boy’s and Girl’s Series of New Copyrights (Series # 60) published in 1901-1902. Of interest is that the picture seen on the flyer does not appear in the book. This book has an illustration page which lists the four glossy pictures found within. None match the flyer’s picture. A puzzle to be sure.
The flyer is 7.25” x 3.25”.

1902 Ad #1 | 
1902 Ad #2 |
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