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14 May 2016 |
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Series #1-34 Juvenile Series Ad 1912
This accordion advertising flyer has eight panels per side making it the largest of its type that I have seen. It is from 1912. It noted a number of 1912 books but no 1913 publications.
The first two titles in the Range and Grange as well as the Boys of Steel series are listed. They are all 1912 volumes. The third and fourth books in these series are not mentioned. The first two books in the Young Engineers Series are advertised but the 1913 third title in the series is not.
Side 1
19 Feb 2012 |
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1901 Advertising Flyer
Tommy Foster's Adventures was first published by Altemus in 1901 as part of the Boys' and Girls' Series of New Copyrights. Folly in Fairyland was also first published by Altemus in 1901. This latter book was the first title in the two book Folly Series. Since both books first came out in 1901, a reasonable assumption is that the flyer is from that same year. It is 7.125 x 3.25 which is the typical size of the Altemus one sheet advertising flyers.
It is likely that most all Altemus titles/series had similar advertisements. Unfortunately they are quite hard to find.
19 Oct 2011 |
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Pamphlet Advertising for Juvenile Series (1910-1911)
This 32 page advertising pamphlet advertises four different boys juvenile series: Motor Boat Club, Submarine Boys, Pony Rider Boys and High School Boys. There is an excerpt from each series and then a full page ad listing the books from the series. It is 6.5 x 4.5.
The pamphlet lists books published as late as 1910 but not any 1912 books.
This is the second Altemus advertising pamphlet that I have seen. Both only highlighted juvenile series.
Front Cover
Altemus message to
"Young Booklovers"
04 Jul 2011 |
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Pamphlet Advertising for Juvenile Series (1913)
This 32 page advertising pamphlet for Altemus' juvenile series books is exceptionally uncommon. I have seen two such pamphlets (including this one) over the years. This piece is 6.375 x 4.5.
Five boys' juvenile series are highlighted with
full page ads that show the book's cover. Four of the five have an
excerpt from the book in the pamphlet.
Interestingly this pamphlet has a store name, P. B.
Magrane Store, stamped on it. Most likely Altemus made these
advertising pamphlets available to stores which thereafter could
individualize them. Really, an excellent way for Altemus to market its
What is fascinating is that the store advertised the books for sale at
25 cents even though the price on the books was actually 50 cents.
Perhaps the store got a bulk deal on the books or maybe was willing to
take less profit per book to get the customer into their store.
The P. B. Magrane Store in Lynn, Massachusetts , like most large
department stores before the era of free standing book stores (now
coming to an end) had a book department.
Patrick Byrne Magrane (1852-1933) had immigrated from Ireland. He
founded his namesake store in 1876 in Lynn, Mass. The store was still
in business in the 1950's.
06 May 2009 |
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1860 Ad for Book Bindery
19 May 2008 |
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Juvenile Series Ad- 1915 (Series #1-34)
This flyer has 4 panels and is 13 x 6.25. The side that has the book cover pictures is identical to the 1920 Series Book flyer. Based on the advertisements this pamphlet was published in 1915. The latest books listed are the 1915 College Girls Series and no other later books in that or any other series are seen.
18 May 2008 |
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Juvenile Series Advertisement #2- 1911- Series #1-34
This pamphlet has 6 panels per side and is 19.5 x 6. A number of 1911 are listed but no 1912 books. Thus the 1911 date. Also as can be noted, the 1910 flyer lists the series books at $1.00 each while by 1911 the price had come down to 50 cents.
18 May 2008 |
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Juvenile Series Advertisement #2a- 1911- Series #1-34
This pamphlet has 6 panels per side and is 19.5 x 6. A number of 1911 are listed but no 1912 books. Thus the 1911 date. Also as can be noted, the 1910 flyer lists the series books at $1.00 each while by 1911 the price had come down to 50 cents. This flyer differs from Series Advertisement #2 only at the bottom of the flyer where this one only says Cloth Illustrated as opposed to #2 which states- Handsomely illustrated and splendid....
17 May 2008 |
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Juvenile Series Ad - 1914 (Series #1-34)
This flyer has 4 panels and is 13 x 6.25. The side that has the book cover pictures is identical to the 1920 Series Book flyer. Based on the advertisements this pamphlet was published in 1914-1915. The latest books listed are the 1914 College Girls Series and no other later books in that or any other series are seen.
17 May 2008 |
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Juvenile Series Advertising Flyer- 1916- (Series #1-34)
This is another example of a 4 panel pamphlet that is 13 x 6.25.
This flyer differs from the 1914 and 1920 cover pictures aside in that underneath the boy exclaiming "An Altemus book...Oh Joy" is an advertisement for the Conquest of the United Series Series (a 1916 series). On the book title list side this pamphlet lists #6 in the College Girl's Series which was publshed in 1916. No later books are listed.