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19 Mar 2008 |
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Another receipt for items that were purchased by the Curwensville Bank in 1891. Here is evidence that Altemus produced many non-printed book paper goods. The receipt noted ledgers, collection books, etc.
26 Feb 2008 |
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Non Series #136
This one page flyer was found in a Young People's Library book published in 1906. It is 6 x 3.25. As noted before, I believe that virtually every Altemus book or series had an associated advertising flyer, pamphlet etc. Finding them is another matter.
Here is one for The Tin Diskers.
22 Nov 2007 |
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Even as Altemus became more involved in book publishing, it still sold non-book items. Here is receipt from 1891 in which pens were being sold.
11 Nov 2007 |
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Rose Carnation Series
New Advertising Flyer discovered
This 6 x 3.25 inch one page advertising flyer for the Rose Carnation Series was discovered in the Little Lady Val book (#4). This flyer dates from 1906-1908. It is my belief that Altemus produced flyers for all of their series of this era. They are just very difficult to find.
04 Nov 2007 |
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Non Series #58
These ads appeared in Publishers' Weekly in 1908.
08 Oct 2007 |
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Motor Boat Club Series
This September, 1909 ad notes 3 of the 6 Motor Boat Club Series books that were published in 1909. Generally, when a number of books from the same series are copyrighted in the same year, the thought is that they were all released in one group- a breeder set. Looking at the ad below this does not appear to be the case here. The ad mentions the first three books but not the other three that were also copyrighted in 1909. "Others in preparation for early publication". Thus the first three were published before numbers 4-6. Since this ad is from September, the other books must have been published in the last three months of the year. The first three probably were reprinted at that time.
This may be why the jacket without any red color is very rare. That is, the first three books were published first with the "no red color" jacket and shortly thereafter the first six books were published with the later Format 1 dust jacket. See below for the pictures of these jackets.

1909 Ad | 
Format 1 DJ Early | 
Format 1 DJ Later |
05 Oct 2007 |
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Altemus Books September 1892
This full page ad which appeared in the Publishers' Weekly in September 1892 shows how Henry Altemus was starting to move away from concentrating on Bibles and more towards books for reading. The Bibles which were previously given top billing in the ads is now at
the bottom of this full page ad.
The Dore Masterpieces (Series # 78) are noted with a format 5 book pictured. This is proof positive that this format was published by late 1892.
Also pictured is a copy of A Child's History of England. The four books listed as New Editions were among the very first reading type books that Altemus published. The various editions were deluxe and very expensive for the time.
29 Sep 2007 |
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Non Series #118
This ad appeared in 1902 in the Publishers' Weekly. I have not seen two different editions of this book. Although the advertisement notes the second edition now ready, I suspect that there is no distinguishing feature between the different editions of this book. It obviously was a big seller for Altemus since it went through at least two editions within the first year of publication.
29 Sep 2007 |
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Non Series #46
Publishers' Weekly September, 1902
18 Sep 2007 |
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Altemus Books Christmas 1897
December 1897 Publishers' Weekly