Questions & Answers |
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23 Dec 2024 |
58 |
Boys and Girls Classics
Q: I found this book (Treasure Island) at a yard sale. It has no date. I think it might be a Vandecum series. From Henry Altemus Company. In advertisement Folly in Fairyland is a new publication so I think it is around 1910. How much could I sell this for?
A: Your book is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series. You can determine the date by looking at the ads and reviewing the information on the series page. See: Henry Altemus Company - Boys and Girls Classics (old) Series 58
It is a reprint and in only fair condition. Nominal value would be my guess.
20 Dec 2024 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I have a Treasure Island book and cannot find it in your website. If you could give me some information that would be greatly appreciated.
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1912-1913.
In this year the covers had one of several different colors.
It is a reprint as are all of the books in this publisher’s series.
See: Henry Altemus Company - Vademecum Series (later numbering) Series 180
13 Dec 2024 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Wondering about the date on this book:
Legends of the Province-House
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Henry Altemus Company
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1903.
It is a reprint as are all the books in this multivolume multi-authored publisher’s series.
See: Henry Altemus Company - Vademecum Series (later numbering) Series 180
03 May 2024 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Researching my collection of literature I came up on Minister of the World by Caroline Mason 1899 edition published by Henry altemus company. I'm having difficulty finding this copy. How many different copies for year was there? Any info would be great. Thank you.
A: Hello,
Altemus kept no records of the number of volumes of any particular format or title. Your book is a 1903 publication in the Vademecum Series. It is a reprint with nominal value.
15 Mar 2024 |
58 |
Boys and Girls Classics
Q: This is in regards to a book Fairyland Of Science that I have by Buckley. I have not seen any other prints like the cover that of the one that I have I was wondering if I could possibly find out is it rare ? And How much is this book appraised at? Also what edition print is it.
A: Your book is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series. The publication date can be determined by looking at the ads in the back of the book and reviewing the information provided here:
This book is a reprint.
Because of the condition and lack of interest in the title, in my opinion it has nominal value (A few dollars).
14 Nov 2023 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: I bought this book last year was trying to find the year published any info would be appreciated thank you (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
A: Your book is part of the Petit Trianon Series. It was published in 1901-1902.
12 Nov 2023 |
110 |
In His Name Series
Q: I don't see a reference to this book (Royal Invitation for the King's Children) with this cover and am wondering if you could tell me more about it. There is no copyright in it but I see a green covered version was published in 1912. Can you help me?
A: This book is part of the "In His Name Series". Published in approximately 1910.
See: In His Name Series
10 Nov 2023 |
48 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: Trying to do research about the value/rarity of this book (Endymion). All of my searching hasn’t shown me a copy of this book exactly, but of others in the same style. Just want to know more about it!
A: Reprint published in 1902 as part of the Beauxarts Series. Nominal value.
See: Beauxarts Series
08 Nov 2023 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: When was this book published? (Holmes' Poems)
Any value?
A: This book was published as part of the Petit Trianon Series in 1905-1906. Unfortunately in this condition, in my opinion, it has no monetary value.
See: Henry Altemus Company - Petit Trianon (Third numbering) Series 143
06 Nov 2023 |
74 |
Dainty Series
Q: What are the value of these books? (Tattine, Doings of a Dear Little Couple, How a Dear Little Couple Went Abroad, Little Gervaise)
A: These books are from the Dainty Series. Even in great condition with dust jackets they do not sell for much. In terrible shape they have little if any monetary value.
See: Dainty Series