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04 Jun 2010 |
Non Series #23
Q: I have attached a picture of the Black Beauty book I have. Inside the book says copyright 1897 by Henry Altemus. I saw on the internet a discussion with someone else that has this book. Just wondered if you all came to any conclusion of a value on it?
A: I believe that this book has only nominal value when it has no dust jacket. The dust jacket is pictured at ../images/NS_23.jpg
03 Jun 2010 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Hello. I have a jacket that lists #117 Longfellow's Poem's Vol. 1 and #118 Longfellow's Poem's Vol. 11. It also says "ALTEMUS' ILLUSTRATED VADEMECUM SERIES" above each.
I've attached pictures, but if you needed clearer ones, I'll use my camera. Could you please send me some information regarding this set?
Thank you.
A: You can find your books listed here ../series/series180.htm
They are 1907 publications. These book were published with various pictures on the front covers.
More information about these pictures can be found here ../vademecum.htm
02 Jun 2010 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Can you tell me anything about this book (The Song of Hiawatha)? Henry Altemus Company in Philadelphia appears to be the publisher ?
I have attached a copy of the cover and the inside of it... there is no Copyright date that I can find.
Is it worth anything ??
A: You can find your book here with the 1909-1912 books.
It has only nominal value.
21 May 2010 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: I would appreciate any information you could give me about this book (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland). Thank you.
A: Your book is part of the Petit Trianon Series (../series/series143.htm) and was published in 1907. It originally came with a box. Most of the titles in this series have little or no value because they are reprints. Although your book is also a reprint, the title is one that is avidly collected.
20 May 2010 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: Hi, Do you know anything about this book, "The Little Lame Prince". I know it was published prior to 1902. Would you have an approximate value? Thank you.
A: Your book was published in 1901-1902 as part of the Petit Trianon Series. See ../series/series143.htm Initially it came within a labeled box. Since it is a late reprint, it has only nominal value.
19 May 2010 |
179 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I have found the attached book, The Princess and Maud, and wonder if you could tell me when it was published and if it's rare. I do not have any box or cover, just the book.
A: Your book was published in 1897. It is not rare. It only has nominal value. See: ../series/series179.htm
18 May 2010 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: Hi. Your website is great. I have a Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam from the Petit Trianon series, 1905-1906, with the red and gold floral on the right and the daffodil on the left. I am considering giving it as a gift but would like to have some idea of the value. Can you help?
A: Hello, Although it is a very nice book, it is somewhat common and the title is in no particular demand. Without the box it probably only has nominal value.
It can be seen at ../series/series143.htm
17 May 2010 |
164 |
Shakespeare's Plays Series
Q: I have enclosed 2 pictures of the book in question (Julius Caesar). There is no ISBN or publishing date. I found you by looking up the publishing company. Any information you can give me about this book would be GREATLY appreciated.
A: Your book is part of the 39 volume Shakespeare's Plays Series. See ../series/series164.htm
This particular volume was published sometime after 1900. There is nothing that distinguishes a 1900 book from a later book.
The books of this series are very common. Frequently in lots of 10-30 they sell for less than a dollar a copy if they sell at all.
15 May 2010 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Hello, I recently found a copy of Shakespeare's Heroines by a Mrs Jameson. I'm trying to find out when it was published, as there is no date printed in the book. The cover looks very similar to one in the Vademecum Series you have pictured. The author died in 1860, but the introduction to the "second edition" speaks of her as though she were still alive, though I gather from your site it was printed around 1909. I'm very ignorant when it comes to antique books, so I hope you can explain this. Was it common for introductions to refer to the author in this way? Or is the copy I have not the second edition, but simply printed with the introduction to that edition?
I've attached a picture of the cover and the title page.
Thank you for your help!
A: This book was published between 1909 and 1912 as part of the Vademecum Series.
What many of the reprint publishing companies did (including Altemus) was to reprint the entire book from an earlier copy. When Altemus did this, the new copy would sometimes include an earlier dated preface and the like. Thus, your assumption is right. Altemus reprinted the entire second edition.
Many of the books that Altemus reprinted are similar to this one with earlier prefaces included.
14 May 2010 |
179 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Please see attached photos; this little book (The Sketch Book) is in beautiful condition. What can you tell me about it? Also, when was it published? There is a preface to the revised edition written by W.I. and dated 1848 and next to it, sunniside. Thank you for your time.
A: Your book was published in 1897 as part of the Vademecum Series. See ../series/series179.htm It is a reprint from an earlier edition. It has only nominal value.