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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

If you have a question about Altemus books that you'd like answered please click on the Questions link at the bottom left of this page.

We recommend that those inquiring about the identification of a particular book format send pictures along with their question.


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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
20 Jul 2012 202

Young People's Library

Q:  Would you be so kind as to confirm that this version of Lewis Carroll's "Through The Looking Glass" is part of the Young Peoples Library Series #202, Volume 31, printed 1923-1933, Format 4, #3 Variant and, if it is what a fair market value would be? Thank you for your assistance.

A:  Yes, this book is a Format 4 Young People's Library book. This format is different from the earlier Young People's Library formats in several ways. First it has the paste-on (appliqué) picture on the front cover. Next is the characteristic spine design. I am including typical spines for your information.

Originally these books came with dust jackets which for the most part matched the underlying book cover.

Dating these books more precisely between the 1923 and 1933 publication times can be difficult because of the random nature of ad placements in the back of the book.

For more on this series see ../series/series202F4.htm.

11 Jul 2012 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  Hello, I stumbled on your great website while trying to research a book I have: "Tales From Shakspeare" Charles and Mary Lamb Henry Altemus Company Philadelphia. I can't find any date other than the preface and after reading your comments I don't want to assume the 1878 is the correct printing date. Photo is attached. Book is small (4-1/4 x 6-1/4)
Any information would be most appreciated.
Thank you.

A:  Your book was published in 1907 and is part of the Vademecum Series. See ../series/series180.htm.

It originally came in a labeled slipcase box. All the books in this series are reprints.

You are correct to question the 1878 date. Frequently Altemus reprinted older editions of titles in their entirety. So earlier prefaces and copyrights are included in the later Altemus editions.

09 Jul 2012 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Good afternoon,
I have a book that was published by Henry Altemus, Philadelphia. It is Poems, Volume I by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. It appears to have been a gift given to somebody dated December 25, 1898.
Would you be able to provide any information on this book?
I didn't take a pic but I attached the cover from the website for identification purposes.

A:  Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1898. It originally came within a slipcase labeled box. The books of 1898 all had the same cover decoration but have been seen with various colors.

As with all of the titles in this series, it is a reprint. Because this title is not a particularly collectible one, the book only has nominal value.

For more information, see ../series/series179.htm

07 Jul 2012 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  I found this email online as I was trying to find info on a book I have. A Wonder Book, 1899. I'm having a heck of a time finding info on what I have.

A:  Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1900. This series consisted of reprints of essays, fiction, classics, poetry, etc. It was published between 1894 and the 1920's. Every year or so the cover design was changed. Your cover was used in 1900. The 1900 books came in a labeled slipcase box.

The 1900 books had one basic cover pattern in a number of different colors. I am including other color covers for your interest.

For more information see ../series/series180.htm

06 Jul 2012 185

Wee Books for Wee Folks

Q:  I have a very clean copy of Peter Rabbit, The Tale of Peter Rabbit. These were my father's from his childhood. I believe that they are first or second edition and first format. I would be interested to know more, or if they are rare etc.

A:  Your book is the second edition-first format Altemus Peter Rabbit. It was published sometime between late 1904 to probably around 1908.

Originally it came in a brown uncoated dust jacket. It is a rather easy book to find.

The first American edition Tale of Peter Rabbit was published earlier in 1904.

For more information see ../peter_rabbit/peterrabbit.htm

01 Jul 2012 47

Beauxarts Series

Q:  Hello! I am working at vetting some books for a local organization, and I was hoping you could help me. Attached is a picture of the cover of one of the Altemus publications of Hawthorne's Mosses From and Old Manse.

I can make an accurate judgement of value based on condition and, interestingly (see attached) the fact that this book was the personal volume of our local writer, August Derleth, but I am having a little harder time determining exactly which Altemus edition this is and thus basic value from that. I have seen another version of this that looks identical but with a green/red coloring, so this makes it even a little harder to determine.

Also, if you could give me publication date for this edition - I cannot find it in the book - that would be wonderful.

Thank you for your help!

A:  Your book is part of the Beauxarts Series and was published in 1897. All of the books in this series are reprints and originally came in a labeled slipcase box. The covers of the Beauxarts' books in this year have been seen in a number of different colors.

No one color is scarcer or more valuable than any other.


Because of its reprint status it only has nominal value unless the Derleth provenance is significant to a buyer.

25 Jun 2012 141

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  Can you please tell me what you can about this beautiful book (Childe Harold's Pilgrimage)? thanks a lot

A:  Your book is part of the Petit Trianon Series and was published in 1897. Originally the book came in a labeled box.

For more information see ../series/series141.htm.

This series' books in 1897 all had the same decoration on the left side of the cover. On the right side of the cover these books had various decorative designs or floral patterns.

Your book is a reprint and only has nominal value.

24 Jun 2012 199

Young Folks Puzzle Pictures' Series

Q:  I was wondering if you could help me? I have Animal Tales with Puzzle Pictures. I have attached pictures of this magnificent book. Could you tell me which edition this might be and its value?

A:  Your book is part of the Young Folks Puzzle Pictures' Series. See http://www.henryaltemus.com/series/series199.htm.

There are five books in this series with the Tale of Peter Rabbit with Puzzle Pictures and the Night Before Christmas with Puzzle Pictures being the most desired and therefore the most valuable.

Each book in this series had three different formats (editions). Your book is a second format edition. The first edition books have a full cover paste-on picture and the writing on the spine goes from bottom to the top.

It is always hard to know what a book might sell for. Because your book is in poor shape and does not have a dust jacket, would think it only has nominal value.

23 Jun 2012 142

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  Can you send me information on this Henry Altemus book? I cannot find any publication date.

A:  Your book is part of the Petit Trianon series and was published in 1898.

During this year, all of the covers of the books had the same decorative pattern on the left. On the right side of the cover there were various floral or decorative patterns.

See http://www.henryaltemus.com/series/series142.htm

The books of this series originally came in labeled boxes. As with all of this series' books, your title is a reprint and only has nominal value.

18 Jun 2012 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  I would like to know what you can tell me about this publication by the Henry Altemus Company, Illustrated Vademecum Series. It was a gift to my grandmother in 1904.

A:  Your book (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1905-1906. During these two years the book covers were published in a number of different colors. Four different paste-on flower pictures were used. (Your picture is an iris.)

See ../series/series180.htm

This book originally came in a labeled box. It is a reprint as are all of the books from this series.

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