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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
06 Jul 2016 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  What can you tell me about this book? Weird Tales

A:  This book was published as part of the Vademecum Series in 1895. It is a reprint as are all of the books in this series.

In 1895 this basic cover design was seen in a number of different colors. Some examples are shown here.

04 Jul 2016 185

Wee Books for Wee Folks

Q:  I found this website by Googling the name of this book I found in my family’s heirlooms. Looks like it was given to a relative in 1908 for Christmas (Inscription on one of the first pages). The Foolish Fox
I would love to know any information you have on this book and what it is worth. I'm putting together a list of things, with estimated values, for an estate.

A:  Your book is part of the Wee Books for Wee Folks Series, Format 1 and was published in 1904. This format was only published for a short time and by the end of 1904 was replaced with Format 2 books.

Originally the six books of the series were sold in three boxed sets. The Foolish Fox was boxed with The Tale of Peter Rabbit.

Fair value would be $10-20.

02 Jul 2016 137

One Syllable Series

Q:  Hello, I have a copy of Gulliver's Travels. 1899 format 2 in good/fair condition. What might it's value be?

A:  This book is from the One Syllable Series. It is part of the later Format 2 (of 4) books and printed between 1905-6 and 1909.

It is a reprint and originally came with a dust jacket.

In this poor shape it has nominal value only.

The formats of this titles are shown here.

30 Jun 2016 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  I found your website and wondered if you could help determine the market price of The Cricket on the Hearth published by Henry Altemus.
Thanks much.

A:  This book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1905-1906.

During this year four different flower patterns were placed as paste-ons (appliqués) on the covers. See here.

The covers were published in a number of different colors and the books came in a labeled box. See here.

All of the titles in this series are reprints so only the most collectible ones have any significant value.

This title is not among the valuable ones (in my opinion).

28 Jun 2016 185

Wee Books for Wee Folks

Q:  I found this small book and was trying to determine when it might have been printed. From what I have read on the web site it appears it may have been prior to 1916, although the information does not mention red lettering on the blue-grey cover. Is there any value to this book? The Robber Kitten

Thank you for any information you are able to give.

A:  Your book is part of the Wee Books for Wee Folks' Series-Format 2.

This book is pictured as Format 2b #6. It was published between 1912 and 1918. Note that between 1904 and 1912 this title was published with a green not beige cover.

It originally came with a dust jacket. It is pictured here.

Without the jacket it has minimal value.

19 Jun 2016 87

Favorite Series for Young People

Q:  Hello, I was cleaning out my bookshelf and found a copy of Altemus' Favorite Series Alice In Wonderland and was wondering if it held any value. I think it's a Format 1 #2 (via your ultra-informative website) and there is a light pencil inscription that reads "Glenn [S or G] Murphy, Christmas 1901" on the inside.

A:  Nice book. You are right. It is from the Favorite Series. It is much less common than the Young People's Library versions that sell reasonably well on Ebay.

If you are selling it, I think Ebay is a pretty good place and I would expect $25-50 but maybe more depending how you describe it. Dating it should be easy (1900-1901) if you look at the ads in the back and then the dating information on the web page: http://www.henryaltemus.com/series/series87.htm

In an informative blurb I would stress that it is from the Favorite Series and is fairly rare etc.

The books in this series did come with dust jackets but they are very hard to find.

16 Jun 2016 202

Young People's Library

Q:  Hello,
Thank you very much for being out there with needed information. I actually read this book last night with pleasure, first time since the late 40’s probably, at that time with less pleasure, and this morning it occurred to me that it might be valuable. No marks on it of any kind. Robinson Crusoe
Is it worth anything?

A:  This book is a reprint as are all of the titles in the Young People's Library. Unless it is a very collectible book (e. g. Alice in Wonderland) or has a nice dust jacket, the volumes in this series have little monetary value.

For more information see: http://www.henryaltemus.com/series/series202F3.htm Examples of this title's dust jackets are shown there.

09 Jun 2016 57

Boys and Girls Classics

Q:  This is a Henry Altemus Company's Publications, Mother Goose Rhymes, Jingles and Fairy Tales, some of first pages are missing, can you provide any info on this book. It was given to my grandmother in 1912. Thanks.

A:  Your book is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series.

The 15 titles in this series are all reprints and were published between 1908 and 1926. Originally they were sold within a floral decorated box.

Dating your book can be done by looking at the ads in the back of the book and dating the latest editions listed.

Unless a book in this series is in great shape or a special title, it has little value.

07 Jun 2016 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  I am trying to find out the possible value range of an antique book that once belonged to my grandmother, entitled Poe's Poems. I believe it is a first edition, and strangely, it has no publication date printed within it anywhere. It does appear at the back of the book under the list of "Publications of Henry Altemus Company Philadelphia" as number "...159 Poe's Poems" under the heading "Altemus' New Illustrated Vademecum Series." I am attaching multiple photos of the book...sorry that my phone's camera is not very good.

I would appreciate any info. you can provide.

A:  Your book was published in 1901-1902 and is part of the Petit Trianon Series.

As with all of the titles in this series, it is a reprint. Originally it was sold within a labeled box.

The cover is interesting because of the illustration on the right which was drawn by Alphonse Mucha, a well known Czech artist. It is called "Poetry".

Several Altemus formats feature Mucha drawings.

Ordinarily it might be worth a few dollars, but in this shape it has no monetary value.

05 Jun 2016 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  Hello, I am cleaning out some books and this is one I searched online for and found your site! Can you tell me anything about this book? Copyright is 1899. The Yellowplush Papers

A:  Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1901. As with all of the titles in this series, it is a reprint. It originally came within a labeled box.

In 1901 there were more than 40 different appliqués seen with this cover.

It is not a very widely collectible title and has little, if any, monetary value.

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