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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
27 Jan 2014 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Hello, I have a book of Phillips Brooks Addresses. I have attached photos. Would it be possible to give me a date range and approx. value for this little book?

A:  This book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1896. It originally came within a labeled box. It is a reprint. Since the title is not widely sought after, it only has nominal value.

As with most books in this series, the covers came in a variety of colors.

26 Jan 2014 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  I have this book and was wondering its value. In His Steps

A:  This book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1915. It is a reprint of a title that is not widely collected. Thus, it only has nominal value. It originally came within a labeled box. A picture of a box is shown here.

25 Jan 2014 74

Dainty Series

Q:  I have had this book since 1977, and would like to know its monetary value please. Thank you. Copyright is 1900 by the Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia. The Voyage of the Mary Adair

A:  Your book is part of the Dainty Series. This series was published between 1899 and 1909 and had five different formats. This book is part of the 5th format and therefore it was published at the end of this series' run in 1909. Without a dust jacket this book has little value.

Even the earlier editions in jacket do not draw much interest. The earlier formats are shown on the series page for interest. Format 1 includes only Volume 1 of this series- thus, there is no format 1 for this book as it is #6 in the series.

23 Jan 2014 48

Beauxarts Series

Q:  I have had this book (Weird Tales) for many years and cant find a publishing date but think because of the cover, am guessing it was published between 1899-1901 . Also was wondering if there is any value to this book. Thank you for any insight you can provide.

A:  You are correct about the publication date. Your book is from the Beauxarts Series and was published between 1899 and 1901.

It is a reprint and in great shape would only be worth a few dollars. In poor shape, it will be hard to sell at any price.

22 Jan 2014 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  I have some old books that were given to me. While doing a little research about one of the books, "The Little Lame Prince," I came across your website. Following are a few photos of the book. I have a some questions about the book and I'm wondering if someone in your organization would be willing to chat with me.

A:  Your book was published in 1905-1906 as part of the Vademecum Series.

It originally came in a labeled box. It is a reprint and has only nominal value.

15 Jan 2014 130

Marqueterie Series

Q:  Hi, I have a copy of Joseph Addison's Days With Sir Roger De Coverly as displayed below. The first several pages have detached from the binding but all pages are in nice condition. What is your opinion of the book, please?

A:  This book is part of the Marqueterie Series and was published in 1899.

All of the titles in this series are reprints. Although the cover is quite attractive unless the title is very collectible, a book in this series has very limited value.

14 Jan 2014 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  Can u help determine the year this book was published and if so if it's valuable
The Lady of the Lake by Sir Walter scott.

A:  In 1903 the Vademecum Series was published with the basic cover that your book has with one of more than 40 European paintings within the cover template.

Because of the width of the original paintings, two books may have parts of the same painting but may look totally different because they have different sections of the painting on their covers.

Since all of the titles in the Vademecum Series are reprints, only very collectible ones have any value. Unfortunately your book is not in that group. It will be a hard sell at any price.

13 Jan 2014 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  What can you tell me about this book please (Black Beauty)? The spine shows it was published by Altemus but I can find no publishing date, etc in it. Thank you in advance.

A:  Many of Altemus' publisher's series had various types and styles of artwork on the front covers. (See section on Publisher's Series). In 1903-1904 one of the formats of the Petit Trianon Series was half vellum on the left. The right half either had floral pictures or there was an art nouveau illustration of a young lady in various poses. At this time two different illustrations have been seen that were initially posters done by Alphonse Mucha.

Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) was a well known Czech artist who excelled in the art nouveau arena with works designed for magazine covers, books, posters etc. It is most likely that Altemus appropriated these works for some of their covers without paying royalties. Mucha was not given credit within the books where his work appeared on the covers.

12 Jan 2014 124

Little Bunnie Bunniekin Series

Q:  I was wondering How much this book was worth? its from 1920, its called Little Bunnie Bunniekin and it still has its dust cover. Just let me know whenever you find out! thank you

A:  This book is the first in the eight book Little Bunnie Bunniekin Series.

The books in this series were published in one main format. It has the appliqué on the cover surrounded by a simple drawing of a house, trees and fence. The dust jacket matches the book.

When this book was first released in 1920 it was part of the Wee Books for Wee Folks Series but by the next year (1921), it was incorporated into the newly named Little Bunnie Bunniekin Series.

In 1928 a variant format was published which has an appliqué that encompasses the entire front cover.

The jacketed books of this series generally sell for between $20-$50.

11 Jan 2014

Altemus Bible

Q:  The attached pictures show what I believe to be an 1892 version. Is it a rare or valuable version? Other than the cover the pages are in pristine condition.

Thank you for your assistance.

A:  Altemus published Bibles between the 1870's and the late 1890's. So far 59 different covers have been seen with these oversized Bibles. This cover is #B41.
The Bibles have a number of possible different sections:

1. Old and New Testament
2. Dore Illustrations
3. Marriage Certificate and Family Registration
4. Revised Version Appended
5. Apocrypha, Concordance, Psalms on Metre
6. Smith's Dictionary
7. Bible History and Analysis
8. Cyclopedia of the Bible
9. Dictionary of Names
10. Notes and commentary by Rev. Walter McGilvray

The more expensive deluxe formats have the most sections. Some bindings are also fancier than others. Because these books are so heavy, they are commonly found with broken bindings. They usually sell for between $50-$125.

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