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18 Aug 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Hello, I picked this book (The Lays of Ancient Rome) up at a garage sale recently. It is in really nice condition. The binding is strong, pages are clean with no writing, rips, fraying or wear. The cover is a bit faded but not worn. I was wondering the age of the book. What series is it from? Thank you.
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series. All of the books in this series are reprints.
It was published in 1900 and originally came within a labeled box.
This cover has been seen with a number of different colors. Some examples are shown here.
09 Aug 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I recently came into possession of an old book entitled Heroes and Hero Worship by Thomas Carlyle. It doesn't have a copyright date and is in pretty poor shape as I don't think it was well taken care of. Could you please enlighten me as to when it may have been published?
A: This book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in the 1909-1912 timeframe. All of the titles within this series are reprints.
It originally came in a labeled box. A representative box is shown here.
27 Jul 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I have this book (In Memoriam) and wondered if you could tell me it's worth. It has a name written in it and 1907. Attached are 2 pictures. It is in very good shape.
A: This book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1903.
During this year the cover has been seen in a number of different colors and over 40 appliqués have been noted. It was published within a labeled box. A sample is shown here.
All of the titles in this series are reprints. This title is not widely collected or desired and thus it has only nominal value.
11 Jul 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Dear Expert, I found Black Beauty at a garage sale and its always been one of my favorites. But this one has no copyright date. I know it's a reprint by Henry Altemus Co. Philadelphia and I believe it's from the Vademecum series but my eyes are starting to cross from so much info. The front cover has a tear but the picture looks like grass or wheat. I sure could use your help in drawing. Thank you.
A: You are right about your book. It is from the Vademecum Series and was published in 1901.
Here is the entire picture. For more info: ../vademecum.htm
09 Jul 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Hello. I have attached several pics of John Milton's 'Paradise Regained/Samson Agonistes.' Was this edition copyrighted in 1899 by Henry Altemus as shown on one of the pages or later? Also how many copies of this combined book were put into circulation? And last what is the value? Thank you.
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1900. A number of different color covers were published. (See series page.)
I do not know how many of these were published but this title is very common.
In perfect shape this Altemus format is a tough sell. In average or poor shape it has little or no value.
07 Jul 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I have a book, "Treasure Island" that I was hoping you could tell me about; worth, dated printed, etc. There is no page with this information on it. I have attached a photo of the book.
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1900.
The covers in this year were published in a number of colors. See series page.
It originally came within a labeled box. All the books in this series, including yours, are reprints. In average condition it will be hard to sell for more than a couple of dollars.
23 Jun 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I have a copy of Black Beauty from your publishing company. I am curious as to its age and value. I believe it may have belonged to my father who was born in 1921 or maybe it was handed down to him by a parent. It is in good condition and doesn't smell. One of the pictures has come apart from the binding, but it is not lost. Thank you for any information you can give me.
A: Your book was published in 1903 as part of the Vademecum Series. It originally came in a labeled box. It is a reprint.
Although this is a popular title, there are countless numbers of these reprints floating around. So your book has only nominal value.
During this year, the books in this series have been seen with a number of different cover colors. More than 40 different cover appliqués have been noted. Generally the painting on the cover is only part of a larger picture. Various sections of a painting appeared on the book covers.
See this page for more information:
03 Jun 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Hello, I came across this old book (The House of the Seven Gables) and was wanting a little info and if it holds any value? Thank you for your time.
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1901.
These 1901 books came in a number of different colors. More than 43 different cover appliqués have been seen. The books originally came within labeled box.
Only very collectible titles have any real value. Your book is not one of them. It only has nominal value.
31 May 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Found this book (Balzac's Shorter Stories) and cannot find any information on it. Curiosity has gotten the best of me.
A: This book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1901. See ../vademecum.htm
In 1901 this series was published in at least seven cover colors. More than 43 paste-ons (appliqués) have been seen. For more information see the website noted above.
26 May 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I have a Black Beauty Book by Sewell that I rescued from a trash dumpster that a brand store threw out. It has no copyright date in it. In the back of the book is a listing of all books your company published so I am assuming you published this one also.
I did look on your site but couldn’t find a Black Beauty book that looked like this one. I am just wanting to know a publishing date for this book, please.
I have attached a picture.
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published between 1909 and 1912. All of the titles in this series are reprints. This format was originally published within a labeled red box. See picture.