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19 May 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I found an old book in my grandmothers home title is Black Rock Tale of the Selkirks. It has a leather type of dust cover says Whittier, There is an inscription inside Lucy E. Swisher, Meadville, PA Dec 25th 1901. I believe Lucy was my grandmothers sister, this may have been a Christmas gift, my great grandfather was a traveling preacher. I have attached pictures. Any information would be appreciated. There is not any dates as of printing it just says Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1901.
During this year the more than 40 different appliqué pictures have been seen on at least 7 different color covers.
The jacket is not an original one. This book came within a labeled box. The author is Ralph Connor. Whittier has no relationship to this book.
It is a reprint and only has nominal value.
For more information see ../vademecum.htm
06 Apr 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Hi, I stumbled upon this copy of Uncle Tom's Cabin but unfortunately I've been unable to find any information on it. Can you give me any info you have on it, should I keep it, does it have any value, and if so where would I sell it. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated and thanks for your time.
A: This book was published in 1901 as part of the Vademecum Series. It originally came within a labeled box. It is one of a myriad of reprints of this title that were done by the reprint publishers of the era. It has little value.
This 1901 Altemus format has been seen with many color covers. More than forty paste-on (appliqués) pictures have been noted. See: ../vademecum.htm
21 Mar 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I have The Merchant of Venice, with The Adventures of Giannetto, and other Illustrative Pieces. There are no dates, and the book itself is small in size. I bought it at an antique shop and was curious about how old it is and if it has any value other than how much I like it. Can you assist me?
A: This book was published in 1903 as part of the Vademecum Series. This series is comprised of numerous reprints of fiction, essays, poetry, etc. The cover of this format has been seen in numerous colors. In addition the painting on the cover of your book is one of more than forty that have been noted.
These books originally came within a labeled box. An example is shown here.
23 Feb 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Would you kindly tell me if this book (Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam) has any value....(aside from the bountiful wisdom within!)
Inside page says "Philadelphia. Henry Altemus Company". So it is apparently post 1900 Book measures 6.25 x 4.25 I can't find any dates whatsoever.
Thank you very much.
A: Your book was published between 1909 and 1912 as part of the Vademecum Series.
It originally came in a labeled box. An example is shown here.
All the books in this series are reprints so unless your book has a very collectable title it will have only nominal value.
21 Feb 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I found this black beauty book in my storage... could you tell me more about it?
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was originally sold within a labeled box. It was published in 1903.
It is a reprint and has limited value.
The painting on the front comes from a larger picture. You can see details here: ../vademecum.htm
12 Feb 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: May I have some info on this book and its estimated value? Thank you UNCLE TOM'S CABIN illustrated copyright 1894 green cover with lighthouse
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1901. It originally came with a labeled box. The books of this format have been seen with a number of different cover colors and more than forty different cover pictures.
Your book is a reprint and has limited value. There are a number of collectors however of this title so you never know what someone might pay.
11 Feb 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Hello, I am curious to know if my book has any value.
Info I know...Kidnapped copyright 1898 by Altemus Publishing Philadelphia: series 101.
Any information will be helpful...
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series-Series #180 and was published in 1899. It originally came within a labeled box.
Since this is a reprint of a common title, it has little value.
08 Feb 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Hi there, I could not find this exact book (Uncle Tom's Cabin). I found one that is green the same picture dated I guess in 1901.
Can you tell me when this book was published and what the value of this book today?
A: This book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1902. Originally this book came in a labeled box. All of the books in this series are reprints.
The 1902 books have been seen with a number of different color covers. More than 40 different pictures have been seen on the cover.
For more information see ../vademecum.htm.
It only has nominal value.
06 Feb 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Would like info on this book (Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin), please.
A: This book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1899. It originally came within a labeled box.
The 1899 books of this series have been seen with many different colors. See series page.
Your book is a reprint as are all of the books of this large publisher's series. It has only nominal value.
26 Jan 2014 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I have this book and was wondering its value. In His Steps
A: This book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1915. It is a reprint of a title that is not widely collected. Thus, it only has nominal value. It originally came within a labeled box. A picture of a box is shown here.